I'll tell you in the morning

An unlikely Halloween pairing. You, a priest, and me, Mia Wallace (predictable). I almost went home with your crucifix / instead, you took my number / Small sentences on blue screens slowly became paragraphs / You ran out of credit and borrowed Joe’s phone to send me questions about my childhood, with anecdotes about yours / 2013 romance

Months of “Will they’?” “Won’t they?” with hands held under tables / The night I wore your shirt and you went home without it / an accident, but an excuse to see you again all the same

The first film we watched together was Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom / the first time I ate potato salad was with you / Small firsts / and then bigger ones, just for us

Summer evenings spent walking and talking endlessly, then sharing silences we curled up into / Curled up into each other

Our first date was a year too late / You know what I mean / Then I took a leap, though it wasn’t a leap year, and asked you to be my boyfriend / I still get a kick out of calling you that now, "My boyfriend" / I used to go on your Facebook profile and read out "In a relationship with (my name)", and you’d laugh

Spending money on cinema tickets, but spending the entire time on each other / Man, we’d hate those versions of ourselves now / Re-watching Charmed on my iPhone because of my broken laptop, pausing it every two minutes to text you back / Can you believe it? / Not caring about leaving space in between, or seeming too keen / sometimes missing the plot, but never you

Bridging a 144-mile distance with £4 Megabuses to spend entire weekends in my university halls bedroom / Living off croissants and yoghurt and the chips we had at Whitley Bay / the wine you bought on Valentine’s Day

Writing this while you lie next to me in our room in Montpellier, telling me how we’re skateboarding / "We are? On the same skateboard?" / I’m humouring you — we’ve never been skateboarding / Maybe we will, but my terrible co-ordination tells me we won’t

You’re asleep, but I’ll tell you all of this in the morning


Are you in love?


Funeral: A short story